When deciding which Bridgewerks Power Controller is best for you, use this simple guide:
- Do you have one track or two tracks to power?
- How much power do you need?The length of the track is not the deciding factor. The amount of power is determined by the amount drawn from the track.
- Each motor in the engine = 1 amp (large USA trains with 2 motors will take 2.5 amps)
- Each lighted passenger car = 1 amp (unless the cars are using LEDs)
- Smoke = 1 amp
- Sound = 1 amp
- Any accessories (switches, lighted buildings etc.) = 1 amp
Add up your amps used and give yourself a little extra for expansion.
- Do you prefer gauges to LED bars for Amp and Voltage readouts?
- Do you want to be able to use a remote?
If you have additional questions or other specific layout issues, please give us a call at (253) 225-9032. We will be happy to help you find the right power controller for you.